Friday, July 4, 2014

Catching up on the blog!

We are settled into our new house.  I recently changed some of the landscape on the front yard.  Just before the heat really kicked in, but I got a good tan and workout!

Three months after Christmas and they finally get to enjoy their scooters!

A trip to Mt. Pleasant to search for some furniture and we stopped at a pretty good "dive" Jack's Cosmic Dogs.  We got there just in time, a huge crowd showed up along with all of the regular's that knew what they wanted right away.  We quickly picked a hot dog and found our seats.  Chad is so use to getting 3 hot dogs from hot dog stands…he couldn't finish the 3 he ordered from here because they are so filling and on a bigger roll.  But very yummy!

 We also participated in the kid's run during the big Cooper River run.  They had a great time!
They are all winners!

A unplanned trip to Isle of Palms!  

Some decorating in the playroom.

Five months later….they get their bikes from Granna!  Kirsten and Jack are loving them…Tyler needs to warm up to riding a bike.  Jack did eventually take off the training wheels.

Young Living Essential Oils

At the beginning of June I met some wonderful ladies and learned about Young Living Essential Oils.  It was right before Tyler's tonsil surgery and I was concerned about managing his pain since he does not take medication's very easily.  They told me about a few of the oils and what I can do with them so I decided to sign up as a wholesale member and ordered the premium kit.

We have gone through almost all of the lavender and peppermint.  Both are used for so many reasons.  Peppermint has been my go to oil for headaches.  I haven't had tylenol or advil since May.  I have used the lavender on the kids for all their scrapes.  For Tyler, I have used peace & calming after his tonsil surgery and I diffuse a few times a week to keep peace in the house.  I was hoping it would calm down Brownie, but it doesn't seem to be working.  But it did work on Jack after he crashed on his bike.

Check back to see some of my favorite oils and recipes!

If interested in becoming a Young Living wholesale member, please visit

Member #1851253

Kirsten with the Easter bunny

Kirsten dying eggs

Jack dying his egg.

The Franklin Family